Monday, March 28, 2011

Apply for Google Summer of Code Projects

Starting today, students can apply for Google Summer of Code projects. Connexions has been selected as a participating organization and we have 2 projects students can apply for. The deadline for applications is Friday, April 8. Get your application in today!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Connexions Accepted into Google Summer of Code 2011

We are proud to announce that Connexions has been selected as a participant in the Google Summer of Code (GS0C) 2011. We will be looking for some great upperclassmen or grad students to help us complete our two GSoC projects. Our projects involve using Google Docs as an editor for Connexions and enhancing our author profiles. Students can review GSoC projects and apply at the Google Summer of Code site. Thanks to all that had a hand in Connexions being selected.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Consortium Technology Committee -- Working on focus and plan for the year

The Connexions Consortium has a technology committee charged with the technical direction, planning, and development of the Rhaptos software that powers Connexions and Enterprise Rhaptos.

The committee met just before Connexions Conference 2011 in February to start putting together a development plan for the next year.
To start the process, we had everyone around the room suggest things that are strategically important for Connexions and Rhaptos. After a bit of discussion and consolidation we ended up with 11 focus areas and then had people “pitch” them to the group, explaining who they would benefit and how they would help achieve the Connexions/Rhaptos mission. The committee then voted on our top three focus areas. These focus areas are by no means exclusive or exhaustive. They just give the committee concrete goals to work on as a group. The following three areas had the most energy and we will be following up with each.
  1. Strengthening the Development Community, with an emphasis on upgrading to Plone 4 to expand the base of developers available.
  2. Creating APIs -- In order for members and others to build things that are not tightly integrated into Rhaptos, we need to have well defined APIs (application programming interfaces).
  3. Authoring: Authors and educators need easier authoring tools in order to share their OER (open education resources).
Do you have specific suggestions, additions, comments? Do you want to participate more actively with the committee? Please comment here, or email cnx at with your feedback.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

First Weekly Plone 4 Sprint A Success

We put a call out to the Rhaptos developer community for help with migrating Connexions to Plone 4 and the response has been tremendous. We held the first of the weekly all day Sprints yesterday. The Connexions development team worked with developers in South Africa, the UK and the USA to get Connexions on Plone 4. We had multiple check-ins to our version control and made progress on
  • Account Creation
  • Login
  • Search
  • Workspaces
  • Unicode Problems
  • Content Rendering
We also ended up with some great documentation on how to get our Plone 4 devset running on Ubuntu. Huge thanks to all that participated. We will be holding the sprint every Wednesday until May 18. Join us!