Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Connexions/Rhaptos Sprint Topics at Plone Conference 2010

Connexions plans to organize a sprint on Connexions and Rhaptos development at the Eighth Annual Plone Conference in Bristol, UK (October 25th - 31st). We would like to hear your ideas for topics to sprint on. We also want to know whether you plan to attend the conference this year and would be interested in learning more about Rhaptos and Connexions and getting some experience coding. Our goal would be to increase the pool of developers familiar with Rhaptos, let experienced developers get to know each other better, and explore topics that may become development priorities in the future. Some of the topic ideas we have been considering include integrating an HTML editor that converts to our document XML (CNXML), implementing an existing specification for enhancing member profile pages (Author profiles), migrating to Plone 3 or Plone 4, or working on some aspect of internationalization. Post your thoughts here, email me, kef at cnx dot org, or email our developer mailing list (go here to join). We will send out more detailed ideas in a future post.